Friday, August 24, 2007

Tudor Family Reunion

I had the honor of photographing the Tudor family reunion in Washington State this summer. I have been trying to get adopted by this family for years! They had 3 days of intense celebrating, and my daughter and I were so lucky to have been a part of it. A golf tournament, tour of a winery, outdoor movies, breakfast in an orchard, salsa dancing, and the most touching birthday tribute to their mother. There wasn't a dry eye in the room! Besides family portraits, I also had the pleasure of photographing some of the young men and their beautiful girls/fiances in some amazing landscapes. The light was so incredible in those vineyards! I will make my schedule available for ANY of the upcoming weddings in that family...I had such a blast with them (hint-hint)

Thank you Luci for inviting me to be a part of the awesome celebration! Its one I will never forget!

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